402webpage.com is a project of Little Mountain Web Design. It is dedicated to educate, elevate and inspire entrepreneurs and others. We cover topics primarily of interest to small businesses.
The name “402webpage” was chosen for this blog because “@402webpage” is our Twitter handle and phone number. (402) 932-7243 is (402 ) WEB-PAGE .
Little Mountain Web Design works with business owners and organizational leaders to help grow and strengthen their online presence to connect with customers, volunteers, affiliates and donors. We do this with custom websites, search engine optimization (SEO), Internet advertising, social media, blogging, press releases and other online marketing tools.
Little Mountain Web Design is based in Omaha, Nebraska. We are located in the heart of downtown Omaha in the Landmark Building.
While based in Omaha, we serve other parts of Nebraska (Ralston Papillion, Lincoln, Bellevue, Springfield, Gretna, La Vista, etc.) the United States and beyond.