Author Archives: webpage

Pizza for Pilger

Kudus to local Nebraskan restaurants for coming together to help tornado devastated Pilger. Come out and support the fundraiser. #PizzaforPilger!


Restaurants include:

Senate Cyber Legislation

The Senate Intelligence Panel has drafted another attempt for a cyber bill that incudes components that companies want to see, such as protection from lawsuits when sharing information.

Read more on the Washington Post article below.


Internet Explorer Vulnerability

Announced last weekend was an Interent Explorer vulnerabilty of such a serious nature that Homeland Security has recommended not to use this browser.

It affects versions 6 to 11. Targets appear to be US defense and financial sectors according to FireEye as quoted in the link below. Recommendations besides not using IE, are to turn off Adobe Flash for IE and use EMET(Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit), a Microsoft security tool.



Heartbleed Bug

In the news, is the “Heartbleed Bug”.  While it has made the public news, it sadly is not new and based on at least a two year old flaw.

The Heartbleed Bug  exploits a vulnerability (Heartbleed) in the way in which the OpenSSL encryption checks to verify that there is a computer at the end. That process sends a packet of data to check to see if there is a computer on the other end of a process. This is the “heartbeat”.

The bug sends out a disguised heartbeat to get a reply from your computer and tricks it into giving it additional information. This can include memory stored data that can include the encryption key. That key will unlock the encryption code and make the data read easily by anyone. Basically instead of a packet of data being sent that says “Hello are you there?” it becomes “Hello are you there and give me the (encryption) keys to the palace”.

What to do? As always,  change  your password frequently. Ask your hosting service if they have installed the patch. They should have done this  weeks ago, when they were alerted before it hit the general public news.

You can read more here at <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow nofollow”></a>

Apple Issues Security Patch: Go To Fail Bug

Apple issued a security patch for the “go to” fail bug that has existed for over a year.

A flaw in how an Apple computer or device checks certificates for sites to see if they are valid could be exploited by hackers who could attack via an unsecured or poorly secured network.

<a title=”” href=””></a>

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone!

Melkam Addis Amet Yihuneliwo!     (Amharic)
Kul ‘am Wa Antum Bikhair     (Arabic)
Sun Nin Faai Lock     (Cantonese)
Felican Novan Jaron     (Esperanto -Conlang)
Bonne Annee     (French)
Kali Chronia     (Greek)
Shannah Tovah     (Hebrew)
Felice Anno Nuovo     (Italian)
Xin Nian Kuai Le     (Mandarin)
La Multsi Ani      (Romanian for Many Years)
Prospero Año Nuevo      (Spanish for Prosperous New Year)
Ruhus Hadush Amet     (Tigrigna)
Chuch Mung Nam Moi      (Vietnamese)

Denver Police Department Interview on Twitter Use for Law Enforcement

Twitter can be a powerful law enforcement tool. It can warn the public, ask the public for tips and be used as a way to convey news and information.

Thank you to Lt. Matthew Murray, Chief of Staff, for the interview regarding the Denver Police Department’s use of Twitter.

How long has your police department used Twitter?
Since 2009

What type of Tweets does your department make?
Primarily informational, but we also release news stories every day (Facebook)

What other social media does your department use?
Facebook, WordPress, YouTube, Pinterist
We have added a radio station and are building a television set. Broadcasts will take place via DenverPolice News on social media.

Does your department have an enumerated social media policy? If so, can
you share parts or all of it with us please?
No, we do not have a policy

Please describe briefly the situation of the recent shooter situation and
why Twitter was chosen.
Twitter is a platform that allows for immediate answers to both the media and the public . We have a large following – and the conversation is visible to all followers

Please list and describe other social media and methods of contacting the
public, if any, that were used in the situation.

Press conferences – social media is by far the primary focus for releasing
information by DPD

Does your city and county have any coordinated social media efforts in
place when there is an emergency? If so please describe.
Some small efforts, we are by far the largest in the city – thus become primary

Do your local communities have coordinated agreed upon in advance hashtags and other phrases to use for Twitter or other social media? If so, what are they?
No, it is not coordinated

If you were able to measure the effectiveness in you tweeting, please let
us know how valuable it was.

We have seen the media alter their own erroneous reporting, change their methods, and treat us with greater respect than before. Because we have a large audience, and are not afraid to use it, we have leveled the playing field.

The value is immeasurable.
We have also seen that this causes the public to question the media and defend the police department. As one prominent business man recently said, “They (Denver Police) are playing offense.”

Launch and Learn Twitter Event Thank You

Thank you to all those who attended and made the event a success. Thank you also to the Ralston Chamber for co-hosting and bringing the water and coffee. Thank you to Ralston Chamber President Tara Lea for manning the twitter account for the event and Linda Whitver for taking pictures.

Special thanks also goes to our gift prize sponsors:

A Flower Basket
5615 S 77th St, Ralston, NE 68127
(888) 339-8860

Chocolaterie Stam
7474 Towne Center Pkwy
Papillion, NE 68046
(402) 933-7826

O’Donnell Popcorn
5013 Grover St
Omaha, Nebraska 68106
(402) 556-6992

Young Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Center
9825 Giles Rd,
La Vista, NE 68128
(402) 339-2283