Tag Archives: Twitter shorcuts

Social Media Series: Twitter-The Definitions, Short Cuts and How to Use

Twitter is easy to use with simple commands and actions.

To Tweet

Go to “compose new tweet”. If you do not see it, click the house button in the upper right.

Enter text of no more than 140 characters.

Hit Enter.

To search

Go to the top search area and enter your topic or name

To join a Twitter party or global conversation

Set or find out the agreed upon in advance hashtag words to use and the time for the event. These can be listed on websites, accounts and via tweets or DMs to interested parties.


N New Tweet
F Favorite
R Reply
T Retweet
M Direct Message
B Block User
U Unblock User
ENTER Open tweet details
L Close all open tweets

? This menu
J Next tweet
K Previous Tweet
SPACE Page down
/ Search
. Load New Tweets

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